Production Ipad
The new revolutionary way of combining a phone and laptop for a specialized field in the film industry in an Ipad.
Last weekend before going into a pre production meeting, I realized how much of a pain it was to carry around loads on paperwork to a meeting or even on set as an 1st AD or Production Manager. And having to continuously send updated scripts or schedules via email or print, took up a lot of time and in this film industry time is money and money is everything. So it got me thinking - what is a way of saving paper and time within seconds and how can all crew be informed immediately instead of waiting for an email to come? That's when a Production Ipad came to mind and I thought, wow this idea could really be used within 5 years time at the rate technology is becoming more advanced and efficient.
So, this production Ipad can look like an Ipad at this current time but include the features of a computer and phone within the one but specifically used for Production use. Then it came to mind that this could be a specialized Ipad for different fields such as Camera, Directing and Sound also. The Production Ipad contains all E Tools used with Production including GPS and tracking, directing notes and visuals and in an instant when something is updated, a pager note will be sent to all Production Pads the crew each have, notifying them of the update.
The main home page on the Production Ipad will be a blog/ chat page - therefore each crew member can blog where they are, what time they have a meeting and what location. This can be done privately to HOD'S or individually chosen. This Production Ipad comes with 2 batteries and each lasts up to 48 hours. It also has an RT wire device with 30 channels located within the Ipad. A wireless ear device almost like a blue tooth is hooked around the ear. The Ipad needs to be set to RT mode and set to which channel you want to be linked to so you can communicate with your colleagues on set. This has a 10km radius so is reachable to a large area around your film site and can also be used a phone to send and receive calls. The Production Ipad is designed to save money and also save our environment and especially trees. Millions of trees are killed each year for paper and housing but by using the Production Ipad connected to server, we are saving our planet. The Ipad is efficient in a way messages and updates are instantly sent and there's no need to dial up for internet and worry about always having money or your phone or having a connection for your laptop. This is Pre Paid each month for a set fee for using a server anywhere in NZ. The Ipad is designed specifically for the film industry but can be specialised for other business too in future to come but at the moment, the tools are production based. There is no need to collect logs or hand out a 100 page script when you have your production pad from Padways. It reminds me of having a document which is shared with all your peers on your laptop but in smaller compact way based around the film industry. It stores contacts and private information and any documentation can be shared via paging or uploaded by email.
Production Ipad Video
I have designed this video as a commercial - I didn't want to be a talking head going through the current use of how a production student operates and the future with an Ipad. I wanted to make people giggle a bit and be interested in watching the video and see how we are using technology at present and what it could be like in 5 years time. So, on a sunny day I thought I would go out with my nokia phone camera and film what I could with using the back reserve and see how good the phone was. Turns out, it was tricky with focus and sound so a lot was cut out.
The idea of it was to show present and future and introduce an idea of using this Ipad. The Video doesn't go into detail because of only have around 5 minutes but gives an outline of the Production Ipad. So a friend of mine filmed while I took the mockery of a TV commercial . To begin with, we went through the positives and negatives of the Production Ipad and put them together so we could film both sides in present / future.
The actual Process itself of being able to film on my nokia phone was really interesting. It seems really simple being able to film on a phone by just pressing record and it didn't turn out to bad until when uploading, I didnt upload in the right resolution so it doesn't look clear at all. ( I will attach it for you to view). So while filming, there were no problems except the light issue because when in a really sunny area, it goes really over exposed and the focus - when zooming in, the automatic focus doesnt work too well. Otherwise I think it is a great little filming tool and within years to come, I am sure phones will have great camera's on them, that we don't need to buy digital camera's anymore.
It wasn't until I tried to edit the footage on the phone that I realized the editing system doesn't attach more than two clips. It only links two clips together and no more. So I transferred the data from my phone onto my computer and edited it on Movie Maker which worked fine. The sound was good when close up but when far away, it was hard to hear and the sound caught a lot of wind being outside.
It didn't take a long time to cut at all - only about 2 hours with stop and starting and doesn't look too bad. I enjoyed making it and had a lot of fun and really truley believe that within the 5 years time, this technology has a great possibility of being made. It's realistically possible and would be a huge success to the film industry market and also to businesses.